
Event name Date Location URLs
International Conference & Expo on Biofuels and Bioenergy 11.04.2024

Belstay Roma Aurelia, Rome, Italy

Event link
8th Green and Sustainable Chemistry Conference 13.05.2024 Europe > DE > Dresden Event link
Sustainable Aviation Futures Congress 21.05.2024 Hotel Okura Amsterdam Event link
VI Encuentro de jóvenes investigadores de la SECAT (6th SECAT Young Researchers Meeting) 12.06.2024 Faculty of Chemistry of the Complutense University of Madrid Event link
18th International Congress on Catalysis (ICC) 14.07.2024 Lyon France Event link
5th International Symposium on Catalysis for clean energy and sustainable chemistry (CCESC) 21.07.2024 Bilbao Spain Event link
5th Iberoamerican Congress son Biorefineries (CIAB) 02.10.2024 Jaén Spain Event link